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Graduate - ME

Master's Program in Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers graduate study and research in a broad range of engineering areas, which are grouped into two divisions: (i) Mechatronic Technology; (ii) Advanced Manufacturing and Materials. The objective of each division is listed below.

  • Mechatronic Technology Division:

The division provides study and research in the areas of automatic control, automation, mechatronics, and computer integrated design and manufacturing. The students are cultivated to master in the automation of manufacturing processes, the upgrading of industries, and the research and development of various manufacturing machines.

  • Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Division:

The division offers intensive studies in advanced design and manufacturing for mechanical components and systems covering materials, design, analysis, fabrication, assembly, and testing. The students are trained to be able to develop high-tech mechanical equipments.

The Department maintains vigorous activities in design and manufacturing, dynamic systems and controls, materials and solid mechanics, thermal and fluid sciences. Issues associated with micro/nano-technology, precision engineering, semiconductor packaging, rapid prototyping and tooling, new energy, heat exchanger, and advanced vehicle engineering are also under intensive study by the faculty and graduate students.

Employment― The job prospects for our graduates are very promising. They may be employed by micro/nano-scale fabrication factories, mechanical manufacturing factories, precision mold factories, automobile factories, aerospace industries, power companies, steel factories, semiconductor industries, photo-electronic industries, biotech companies. And they can work as research scientists or engineers, doing research and development.