姓名:吳敏光 |
職稱:副教授 兼自動化中心主任 |
電話分機:3520 |
辦公室:K202-3 |
E-Mail:w2m@stust.edu.tw |
實驗室:K003-2 機器人實驗室 |
最高學歷:美國賓州州立大學機械博士 |
研究領域:機械固力、金屬疲勞、應用電子學、微電腦應用、機器人設計與應用 |
學術榮譽 |
1. 89 年指導學生參加義隆盃單晶片控制應用製作大賽,獲得佳作 |
2. 90 年指導學生參加第五屆全國大專院校創思設計與製作競賽,獲得第三名 |
獲獎 |
期刊論文 |
1. Wu, M-K., Ray, A.,
Damage-Mitigating Control of Power Systems for Structural Durability and High
Performance, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Engineering for Gas
Turbines and Power, 1995/04, SCI. 2. Ray, A., Wu, M-K., Carpino,
M., and Lorenzo, C.F., Damage-Mitigating Control of Mechanical Systems: Part
I - Conceptual Development and Model Formulation, Transactions of the ASME,
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 1994/09, SCI. 3. Ray, A., Wu, M-K., Carpino,
M., and Lorenzo, C.F., Damage-Mitigating Control of Mechanical Systems: Part
II - Formulation of an Optimal Policy and Simulation, Transactions of the
ASME, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 1994/09, SCI.
研討會論文 |
1. 吳敏光, 微控器之伺服馬達定位控制, 第十七屆全國技術及職業教育研討會, 403-409, 2002/03. 2. 吳敏光, 金屬疲勞壽命控制. 第十屆全國技術及職業教育研討會, 147-154, 1995/03 . 3. Ray, A., Wu, M-K., Carpino,
M., and Lorenzo, C.F., Fatigue Damage Control of Aerospace Systems for High
Performance and Extended Life, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, 1992/11. 4. Ray, A., Wu, M-K., Carpino,
M., Lorenzo, C.F., and Merrill, W.C., Damage-Mitigating Control of Aerospace
Systems for High Performance and Extended Life, American Control Conference,
3052-3056, 1992/06.
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研究計畫 |
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