姓名:黃東雍 |
職稱:助理教授 |
電話分機:3530 |
辦公室:K204-3 |
E-Mail:huangt@stust.edu.tw |
實驗室:K513-1 先進系統整合實驗室 |
最高學歷:美國壬色列理工學院機械博士 |
研究領域:系統模擬與分析、控制、訊號處理、類神經網路、最佳化、線性馬達 |
學術榮譽 |
獲獎 |
期刊論文 |
1. Lin, T. Y., and Huang, T.
Y, Design of A Simplified Auxiliary Power Unit for Wheelchair, Machine Design
& Research, vol. 24 (CCMMS2008), pp. 60-63, 2008, EI 2. C. James Li and Tung-Yung
Huang, Nonlinear Continuous Dynamic System Identification by Automatic
Localized Modeling, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control,
2000/06, SCI 3. C. James Li and Tung-Yung
Huang, Automatic Structure and Parameter Training Methods for Modeling of
Mechanical Systems by Recurrent Neural Networks, Applied Mathematical
Modelling, 1999/12, SCI 4. Lilai Yan, C. James Li and
Tung-Yung Huang, Function Space BFGS Quasi-Newton Learning Algorithm for Time
Varying Recurrent Neural Networks, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement
and Control, 1996/03. |
研討會論文 |
1. 黃東雍、李仲偉、王靖裕, 探討被動式步伐在不同路況下的極限循環, 中國機械工程學會第二十七屆全國學術研討會, BB01-006, 2010/12. 2. 黃東雍、陳立軒、莊玉山, 旋轉型倒單擺系統之甩上及移動中平衡控制, 中國機械工程學會第二十七屆全國學術研討會, BB02-016, 2010/12. 3. Tung-Yung Huang, Jen-Chieh
Tsao, and Chi-Wei Huang, Arbitrary Angular Displacement of Single Flexible
Arm Using Mirrored Trajectory Planning, IMECE, Proceedings of the ASME
Dynamic Systems and Control Division, IMECE2010-38482, 2010/11. 4. Tung-Yung Huang, Ssu-Hsien
Wu, and Huu Khoa Tran, Gait Control of a Biped Robot Using an Exact Limit
Cycle Trajectory and the Backstepping Method, the Society of Instrument and
Control Engineers, Japan, SICE 2010, FA15-6, pp. 1819-1824, 2010/8. 5. 黃東雍、王靖裕、吳思賢, 利用確切的極限循環軌跡及逆向步進法控制雙足機器人的步態, 中國機械工程學會第二十六屆全國學術研討會, B16-005, pp. 80, 2009/11. 6. 黃東雍、莊玉山、張禕晉, 利用前饋式類神經網路規劃消弭撓性臂餘振之軌跡, 中國機械工程學會第二十六屆全國學術研討會, B16-031, pp. 91,
2009/11. 7. 黃東雍、張禕晉, 利用鏡射軌跡規劃撓性臂之任意角位移, 中國機械工程學會第二十五屆全國學術研討會, B01-18, pp. 137,
2008/11. 8. 黃東雍、吳思賢,旋轉型倒單擺系統之甩上及移動中平衡控制, 中國機械工程學會第二十五屆全國學術研討會, B02-10, pp. 145,
2008/11. 9. 黃東雍、林庭毅、郭建成、張躍獻、陳祈言, 單手驅動偏癱輪椅之創新設計, 第十一屆全國機構與機器設計學術研討會, M1N-28974, 2008/11. 10. 黃東雍、陳展龍, 依軌跡點進行模糊增益排程及其在線性平台上之應用, 第十六屆全國自動化科技研討會, pp. 1159-1163, 2008/6. 11. 黃東雍、莊宜達, 雙足機器人之平面被動式步伐之模型建立與控制, 中華民國力學學會第三十一屆全國力學會議, pp. 325-331,
2007/12. 12. Tung-Yung Huang, and Huu
Khoa Tran, Setpoint Gain Scheduling Using Fuzzy Logic And Its Application To
A Linear Stage, International Forum on Systems and Mechatronics, B02, pp.
169-175, 2007/12. 13. Tung-Yung Huang, Sheng-Yi
Huang, and Kun-Chang Tsai, System Identification Of Second Order Systems
Using The Velocity Profile In Motion Control Cards, International Forum on
Systems and Mechatronics, C09, pp. 243-249, 2007/12. 14. 黃東雍、黃智偉, 單撓性臂點到點運動之鏡射軌跡規劃,
第二十四屆中國機械工程研討會論文集, B02-0031, pp. 1356-1361, 2007/11. 15. Tung-Yung Huang, C. James
Li and Ting-Wei Hsu, Structure and Parameter Learning Algorithm of Jordan
Type Recurrent Neural Networks, 2007 International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks (IJCNN), pp. 1819-1824, 2007/8. 16. Tsung-Yi Lin, Tung-Yung
Huang, and Tsung-Yuan Kuo, Design of a New Auxiliary Driving Unit for
Wheelchair, 15th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and
Biology, F5.5, pp. 372-375, 2006/12. 17. Tsung-Yuan Kuo, Tung-Yung
Huang, and Tsung-Yi Lin, Mobile Gait Rehabilitation System Using Functional
Electrical Stimulation, 15th International Conference on Mechanics in
Medicine and Biology, F5.4, pp. 368-371, 2006/12. 18. Tung-Yung Huang and Chi-Wei
Huang, Structure and Parameter Learning Algorithm of NARX-RNN and its
Application to the Modeling of Piezoelectric Hysteresis, Proceedings of 2006
CACS Automatic Control Conference, B00021, pp. 156-161, 2006/11. 19. 邱銘哲、黃東雍,虛擬實境下使用雷射干涉儀進行動態量測, 2006第十四屆全國自動化科技研討會, L-1, 2006/06. 20. 李映賢、黃東雍,雙軸磁浮定位系統之直接式適應控制器設計, 2005 CACS自動控制研討會-臺灣台南, G00002d, d-one-26~31, 2005/11 21. 蔡昆璋、黃東雍, SSCNET串列式伺服技術在COF沖切機台之應用, 第二十二屆中國機械工程研討會論文集, B6-008, 2005/11. 22. Tung-Yung Huang, Song-Chi
Chiang, and Chih-Liang Chu, A Moving Nano-precision Stage Capable of
TECHNOLOGY, Tainan, Taiwan, PG004, 2005/11. 23. Tung-Yung Huang and
Ying-Hsien Li, An Efficient Structure And Parameter Learning Algorithm Of NAR
Recurrent Neural Networks, 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆全國學術研討會, B0800424, 2004/11. 24. Tung-Yung Huang and Ting-Wei
Hsu, Linear Spintronic Encoder — A Move Toward Nano Resolution, 2004
Huang, Nonlinear System Identification by Automatic Localized Modeling,
IMECE, Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, 1998/11. 26. C. James Li and Tung-Yung
Huang, Automatic Structure and Parameter Training Methods for Modeling of
Mechanical System by Recurrent Neural Networks, IMECE, Proceedings of the
ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, 1997/11. 27. Jing-Sin Liu, King Yuan and
Tung-Yung Huang, Modelling and Frequency Shaped Sliding Mode Control of a
Slewing Flexible Arm with Large Deflection, 12th World Congress International
Federation of Automatic Control, 203-208, 1993/07. |
技術報告 |
專利 |
水陸兩用腳踏車, 中華民國專利M343596, 2008/11. |
研究計畫 |
服務 |